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Victory! Apple Pulls Dangerous “Gay Cure” iPhone App

Victory! Apple Pulls Dangerous “Gay Cure” iPhone App | News
Sometimes, you win...
Apple has been under pressure for more than a week to drop an app from iTunes, created by “ex-gay” ministry Exodus International, that promotes “curing” LGBT people and tells gay youth that they can be “freed from homosexuality.”
After 152,000 emails to the company protesting the app, Apple has finally listened. The app has been pulled from iTunes. Searches for the Exodus app now turn up this message: “The item you've requested is not currently available in the US store.”
And a spokesperson for Apple told Fox News today: "We removed the Exodus International app from the App Store because it violates the developer guidelines by being offensive to large groups of people." Yeah, not hard to see how an app suggesting people can be "freed" from homosexuality is offensive to large groups of Apple customers.
Truth Wins Out, the organization that started the petition on asking Apple to remove the app, praised the company for listening to consumers, and pulling what many considered to be a dangerous app that sent a harmful message to LGBT young adults. “Apple made a wise and responsible decision to dump an offensive app that demonized gay and lesbian people,” said Wayne Besen, Executive Director of Truth Wins Out. “The real winners today are LGBT youth who are safer and less at risk for receiving Exodus’ malice and misinformation.”
As Truth Wins Out notes, Exodus’ work promoting “ex-gay” therapy has been condemned by nearly every major medical and mental health organization in the country, including the American Psychological Association, American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, and the American Counseling Association. Their app sent a harmful and particularly vile message to LGBT youth that their sexual orientation was “immoral,” and that they should seek “treatment.”

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